Frequently Asked Question

I have forgotten/lost my VATSIM password and/or CID
Last Updated 7 years ago

I have lost my password but I know what my CID is

You can retreive your password by:
  1. visiting:;
  2. entering your CID into the appropriate field and click 'Lookup';
  3. your CID should now be hyperlinked - click on it;
  4. enter the e-mail address associated with your account;
  5. a password reminder e-mail should now be sent to you.
I don't remember what my CID is

You can retrieve your CID by:
  1. visiting:;
  2. entering your Last name (only) and your password reminder word into the appropriate fields and click 'Lookup';
  3. your CID should now be displayed and you can now follow steps 1-5 above.

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